
Strengthening Risk Control and Pursuing Excellent Operations

2023-06-16 15:32:03

Preventing major risks "is one of the important tasks of the 2023 General Manager of Taicang CIMC. In order to comprehensively strengthen risk identification, early warning, and control capabilities, effectively prevent major risks, and continuously improve Taicang CIMC's excellent operational management capabilities and levels, the Enterprise Management Department organized a special meeting on system risk control for 2023 in the morning of June 6. More than 50 management department leaders, department heads, and system internal control specialists, including Chairman Yang Weitang and General Manager Li Jianjun, attended the meeting.


The meeting first focused on the requirements for publicity, implementation, and self inspection and rectification of the group's "Q1 External Risk Control Situation and Major Findings of the Group's Internal Audit". Each department was organized to jointly study external risk control policies and regulations, as well as the main risk reminders within the group in 7 aspects such as financial management, procurement management, and engineering management. Relevant departments were assigned to conscientiously implement self inspection and improvement in accordance with the group's requirements.

Subsequently, the Enterprise Management Department communicated and communicated with various departments on the recent key work of system risk control, including quarterly internal control self-assessment in 2023, annual TOP5 major risk identification and governance work, and annual system special audit work. It was required that all departments closely focus on the general manager's policy of "preventing major risks", effectively fulfill the main responsibility of system risk control, and solidly carry out relevant work.

Li Kequ, Executive Deputy Director of Taicang Zhongji Internal Control Management Committee, attended the meeting remotely and emphasized that risk control management is the foundation for the company's various business operations and an important measure to ensure the safe operation of the business. Risk control must be managed in order to manage the business. We hope that all departments will attach great importance to it and combine it with the application of digital risk control in the group to further strengthen the foundation, process control, and prevent major risks.

Li Jianjun, General Manager of Taicang CIMC, affirmed the convening of this system risk control special meeting and pointed out the basic principles of risk control management: firstly, controlling major risks; The second is to eliminate low-level errors; The third is to ensure that problems do not recur; It is emphasized that the focus of the company's operation in 2023 is to further explore and cultivate new products, new customers, new markets, and new businesses. Risk control work should also keep pace with the times, continue to adhere to the principle of "preventing major risks", and safeguard the development of new businesses and the healthy operation of the company. Regarding the risk control and management of the company's daily business operations, General Manager Li Jianjun requires that all departments attach great importance to system risk control management work, strengthen training and learning for personnel at all levels, enhance the professional ability of internal control management personnel, and continuously improve the level of risk identification and management in each business.

At the end of the meeting, Yang Weitang, Chairman of Taicang CIMC, emphasized that internal control management is a fundamental requirement for ensuring orderly operation of enterprises. In addition to increasing emphasis on attitude, all departments should also continuously learn and improve their abilities. Management cadres should not only understand business, but also understand risk control. It is hoped that all business departments will closely follow the general manager's policy, prevent major risks, and pursue excellent growth.

After the meeting, each department implemented the learning, publicity, self inspection, and self correction of the group's "External Risk Control Situation and Main Findings of the Group's Internal Audit in the First Quarter" in accordance with the relevant requirements of Chairman Yang Weitang and General Manager Li Jianjun, and continued to do a good job in risk prevention to ensure the healthy operation of the business.