
CIMC Taicang Holds Party Member Conference and "CIMC Charity Foundation Promotion and Implementation Meeting" Activity

2023-06-27 15:38:35

On 16th June 2023, CPC  CIMC TaicangGeneral Branch members held a party meeting to study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

At the meeting, Gao Bing, a member of the CPC General Branch of the company, read out the "Implementation Plan of CIMC CPC Committee on Deepening the Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping's Theme Education on Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era" and started from the "Deeply comprehending the decisive significance of the 'two establishments'", It also made in-depth and systematic communication in five aspects, including "deeply comprehending the decisive significance of the 'two establishments'", "comprehensively grasping the significance, scientific system and essence of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era", and "putting Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era into practice to achieve comprehensive and quality leaping development". Preaching. All the party members said that they should persist in using Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to concentrate their hearts and souls, persist in implementing the strategic path of "Precision, Intelligence, Quality and Leadership", craftsmanship and intelligence in container manufacturing, create infinite possibilities for customers, and strive to make CIMC Taicang the flagship base of CIMC Container Group! Practise the oath of joining the Party with practical actions!

In order to further promote the CIMC Charity Foundation "gather a little love - nourish China's education" concept, and actively respond to Mai Dong, Huang Tianhua, president of the call to help education and charity, the party theme of the study will be held immediately after the "CIMC Charity Foundation activities ". The company party branch members on the "CIMC Charity Foundation project development" PPT introduction, the group vice president, president of the container group Huang Tianhua always published important speeches, instructions to carry out.

Li Kequan, secretary of the company's party branch, made a concluding speech. Secretary Li said that we should insist on learning, thinking and using through, and unify the knowledge, belief and action to solve the six aspects of our theoretical learning, political quality, ability, competence, bearing and acting, style of work, integrity and self-discipline, etc. The company's various branches of the party committee according to the requirements of the group to take a combination of centralised learning and self-study in-depth thematic education. Regarding CIMC Charity Foundation, the Group supports and attaches great importance to the related work of CIMC Charity Foundation, and President Huang put forward the "three initiatives and three requirements", which should be practiced seriously and voluntary donations should be raised, meanwhile, the Party members should actively participate in the volunteer activities of the company, and the Party members should give more care and help to the new colleagues.

In the love for the students link. Everyone has enthusiastically donated, this Taicang CIMC all party members donation rate of 100%, raised money, will be the company's party general branch through the CIMC Charity Foundation public number unified donation.

The love to help students is love, hope and warmth. All the party members of Taicang CIMC donate money for education through love to transfer warmth and care, and show the enterprise's bearing with practical actions.


Finally, all party members by renewing the oath of joining the party, under the party emblem to accept the purification and baptism of the soul, to further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party branch, inspire the sense of honour, sense of responsibility and sense of mission of all party members, based on the position in the new era to better play the role of vanguard model, to do the new era of qualified Communist Party members.