
Life is supreme, and safety responsibility is paramount

2023-06-21 15:37:06

This year is the 22nd "Safety Production Month" in China, with the theme of "Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency measures, and there are no hidden dangers everywhere". Always remain vigilant and fight the battle of safety production.


What is everyone talking about safety? Safety is the foundation of happiness and enterprise, and it is an eternal theme. Only by deeply embedding safety awareness in the minds of every employee, and placing the weight of life on the scale of each employee's heart, can we know that life is supreme and safety responsibility is paramount. To this end, the production department of Line B produced promotional banners and posters for on-site visualization. Every employee passing by will see this red color, which constantly informs everyone that safety is the top priority. According to the plan, each team organized employee lectures on "safety production bans", "accident cases around them", "shocking experiences", and conducted in-depth accident reviews to deeply learn from internal and external accident lessons, and increased safety warnings. Through subtle influence, the safety awareness of each employee has been improved.

What makes everyone emergency? During this safety month, the production department of Line B organized three special emergency drills, namely heatstroke prevention and cooling emergency drills, coating and sewage leakage emergency drills, and sanding machine and dust collector fire emergency drills. Multiple types of activities are carried out to ensure that employees have a certain level of emergency response ability when facing different dangerous situations, do not panic when encountering danger, and keep in mind "I want to be safe".

What is no hidden danger everywhere? Safety production cannot be relaxed for an instant. If it is not foolproof, it may be foolproof. The hidden dangers buried in the workshop have to be prevented and improved. The department vigorously carries out hidden danger investigation work, draws lessons from internal and external accidents, carries out special investigation on hidden dangers of falling from heights and squeezing injuries, and implements rectification. Production is imminent, determined to win this battle.

Always focus on the general manager's policy and goal of "preventing major risks", establish the awe of safety among all employees and cadres, "safety production is like walking on thin ice, like facing an abyss", and establish the concept that every month is a safety month. This is the goal and determination of all employees and cadres in the production department of Line B.