
【 Quality Theme 】 May "Quality Theme" Activity Commendation Conference

2023-06-13 15:28:05

Taicang CIMC responded to the quality management requirements of the sector and developed an implementation plan for quality themed activities at the beginning of the year. In May, it launched a quality themed activity called "Preventing Quality Risks and Strengthening Mistake and Mistake Prevention Management". On the morning of June 10th, the "Taicang CIMC May 2023 Quality Theme Activity Commendation Conference" was held on the west side of the welding line (graffiti box) in the C-line intelligent workshop. More than 300 leaders from the company's management department, production department, ingredient department, quality control department, and frontline employees of the production line participated in the summary and commendation conference.


Wu Lifeng, the production department of Line C, presided over the conference and commended Director Wei Tonggang of the Standard Box Quality Control Department for reporting on the implementation of the "Quality Theme" at the beginning of the conference. The "Quality Theme" activity is mainly divided into four parts:

1、 Award based quiz activity: As of the 29th, there were 710 participants with a participation rate of 91.38%; According to data statistics, the ingredients department and the production department of Line C are ranked in the top three.

2、 Awarded essay solicitation activity: During the activity, a total of 138 shared essays were received from each team; After joint screening by the production department, ingredient department, and quality control department, one first prize, two second prizes, and three third prizes were selected.

3、 To prevent quality risks and strengthen error and error prevention management: frontline employees, through on-site training and learning, combine their job content and requirements, fully exert their subjective initiative and continuously expand; During the event, a total of 7 new error prevention projects were submitted, which were jointly reviewed by the quality control department and production department. Three new error prevention projects were reviewed and approved.

4、 Selection of Excellent Teams: The selection of excellent teams for quality themed activities is comprehensively evaluated from three aspects: participation of award-winning essay soliciting teams, participation of award-winning competition answering teams, and new error prevention measures. The completion team, chassis team, and side board team win.

Subsequently, Manager Wang Haifeng from the Production Department of Line C commented on the on-site implementation of the "Quality Theme Activity" and stated that it is the active participation of all on-site personnel that can achieve good results in this activity. The hard work of everyone on site has earned the trust of customers through our quality management and reputation. Strengthening quality management and improving quality management level solely through quality activities is far from enough. By gradually transforming persistence in doing something into a habit and cultivating good habits, it will transform into good literacy and contribute to the quality level of Taicang Zhongji.

Qin Hongjie, Manager of the Standard Box Quality Control Department, affirmed the implementation of the quality themed activity and praised the individuals and teams who performed excellently in the activity. During the event, through the joint efforts of everyone, the product quality was recognized and recognized by customers, and was highly praised by the leaders of the container sector during the quality research activity in the container sector. Our "Quality Theme Activity" runs throughout the year and has different theme content every month. All our cadres and employees should continue to carry out it. All cadres and employees should firmly adhere to the quality leading strategic direction of Taicang CIMC, adhere to the principle of "customer first, craftsmanship quality", consolidate the quality brand, consolidate the foundation, prevent risks, continue to create value for customers, and enhance the core competitive advantage of the enterprise.


Subsequently, under the leadership of General Manager Li Jianjun, Deputy General Manager Xu Qingsheng, and Assistant General Manager Tao Zhifeng of the Management Department, department leaders jointly presented awards to individuals and teams who performed excellently in this event, and took a group photo as a souvenir.

After the award ceremony, Tao Zhifeng, the assistant general manager of the management department, emphasized that Taicang CIMC's mission is to "manufacture containers with craftsmanship and create unlimited possibilities for customers." It requires everyone to have a "craftsman spirit", do the right thing in their positions, and create quality within the process. The overall quality level and reputation of Taicang CIMC have achieved certain results and good reputation through everyone's efforts. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement and progress in the positioning of Taicang CIMC in the industry - Taicang Base needs to become a demonstration flagship base, and there is still room for further improvement in detail control and subsequent repairs. I hope everyone can continue to devote themselves to their future work with full enthusiasm and meticulous spirit, starting from the dimensions of human, machine, material, law, and environment, and continuously improve and enhance the level of product quality.


Finally, General Manager Li Jianjun of the Management Department affirmed the effectiveness of the quality themed activities, summarized the progress of the quality themed activities, and requested that:

1、 Leaders should attach sufficient importance, not only to company and department leaders, but also to grassroots management cadres on site. Only by working together and managing together can we produce more high-quality products;

2、 Always customer-centric and adhere to the implementation of customer requirements;

3、 All employees participate, the whole people participate, everyone strives to be a quality controller, understands quality standards, and does everything right and well in the process at once;

4、 The improvement of quality management and quality effectiveness emphasizes methods and methods, implements lean management, and implements the requirements of 18 quality items. At present, there is still a certain gap between us and building industry benchmarks. The overall quality level of Taicang CIMC needs to be continuously and steadily improved. We hope that everyone can work together to create better results.

Through quality themed activities, all employees always adhere to the management philosophy of "being a sincere person and doing things with heart" and "products are like character, doing things is like being a person". They continue to pursue the cultivation of quality within the process, improve the maturity of quality management, meet customer needs with better product quality and service quality, create greater value for customers, and consolidate the core competitive advantage of Taicang Base.